Acceptable Use Policy


The actions that users take can have a big impact on our system, that’s why all Dynosend users must follow this Acceptable Use Policy. If you violate this policy, we may suspend or permanently terminate your account. We may also suspend or terminate accounts according to our Terms of Service and Anti-Spam Policy where we see behavior, content, or other factors that pose a threat to our platform.

Prohibited Content

You are not allowed to use Dynosend to create or send content that:

  1. Promotes illegal goods or services
  2. Promotes goods, services or products you do not have any direct connection with
  3. Violate the CAN-SPAM Act or other anti-spam laws
  4. Contains pornography, sexually explicit and adult entertainment content, or products of any kind
  5. Introduces viruses, worms, harmful code and/or Trojan horses on the Internet
  6. Contains daily horoscope reports and such
  7. Promotes unverified health or medical treatments, cures, or remedies
  8. Promotes unauthorized or unlicensed online pharmacies
  9. Promotes pyramid schemes
  10. Promotes pharmaceutical products through affiliate marketing or sponsored content
  11. Impersonates any person, organization, or entity, including employees of your business or reputable institutions
  12. Promotes gambling or betting services
  13. Engages in phishing or other fraudulent activities to obtain sensitive information from recipients
  14. Contains misleading or deceptive information
  15. Is illegal in the jurisdiction in which the recipient lives
  16. Relates to the marketing or sale of cannabis or CBD
  17. Offers for prescription medication that cannot legally be sold over-the-counter are prohibited in the United States
  18. Contains posts or images that advocates, promotes or otherwise encourages violence against any governments, organizations, groups or individuals or which provides instruction, information or assistance in causing or carrying out such violence
  19. Contains materials that exploit children under 18 years of age
  20. Promotes or supports terrorism, racism, hate speech, or violent extremism or otherwise encourages violence against any governments, organizations, groups or individuals or which provides instruction, information or assistance in causing or carrying out such violence
  21. Contains counterfeit products or products that infringe the intellectual property rights of others, including trademark, copyright, design, or patent rights
  22. Is intentionally designed to evade detection
  23. Is fraudulent.

Prohibited Businesses

You are not allowed to use Dynosend for the following businesses:

  1. Escort services, mail-order bride/spouse finders, international marriage brokers, and similar sites and services
  2. Hookup, swinger, or sexual encounter sites or services
  3. Work-at-home scams, make money online schemes, and lead generation opportunities
  4. Gambling services or products, including online casinos and betting platforms
  5. Alcoholic drinks or alcohol-related products
  6. Cannabis and cannabis-related products
  7. Multi-level marketing ventures, pyramid schemes, and network marketing businesses
  8. Pirated movies, music, books, games, software, or any kind of unauthorized content/product
  9. Credit repair agencies and debt relief opportunities
  10. Cryptocurrencies, virtual currencies, and any digital assets related to cryptocurrencies (e.g., NFTs), except for authorized financial institutions
  11. Selling "Likes" or followers for social media platforms, as well as any other social media manipulation services
  12. List brokers, data harvesting services, or any businesses involved in unauthorized data collection and distribution
  13. Online pharmacies that do not comply with legal regulations and require prescriptions for medication sales.

If we identify abuse in the systems, we may suspend or terminate your account.

Prohibited Actions

To maintain the positive reputation of our platform, we expect our members to refrain from the following actions:

  1. Sending spam
  2. Sending cold outreach campaigns or automations to people you have not contacted before
  3. Including in your campaigns or account any material that wasn't created by you, provided for you to use, or that would violate anyone's rights. That includes text, photos, graphics, and other content
  4. Using any misleading or incorrect names, addresses, email addresses, subject lines, or other information in any campaigns created, managed, or sent using our service
  5. Deciphering, decompiling, disassembling, or reverse engineering any of the Software or API
  6. Using any of the Software or API to create a similar product (public or private integrations excluded)
  7. Importing or incorporating any of this information into any account, audience, emails, or otherwise uploading to our servers: Social Security numbers, passwords, security credentials, credit card details, protected health information, or sensitive personal information
  8. Uploading or sending email campaigns to purchased, rented, or illegally obtained lists of any kind
  9. Forging sender information
  10. Violating intellectual property rights
  11. Using offensive or abusive content
  12. Harvesting email addresses
  13. Hosting images and/or content on our servers for any purpose other than for your use of the Service.